How renewables are disrupting big energy firms everywhere
INDIAN DREAMS AND REALITY is about the dreams of 1 billion plus Indians in the light of growth opportunity window resulting from global economic problems, cheap and qualified human resource availability and a favourable demographic mix. The blog also discusses the ground realities like corruption, black money, governance issues, growth of corruption empowered cabals Energy security options( Renewal, Hydro and Nuclear ) and Indian march towards global economic super power status.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
How renewables are disrupting big energy firms everywhere
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Sunday, November 16, 2014
A Much Cheaper Grid Battery Comes to Market | MIT Technology Review
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Bombs Ahoy! Why the UK is desperate for nuclear power
Oliver Tickell
On the face of it, the UK government's obsession with nuclear power defies reason. It's very expensive, inflexible, creates 'existential' threats and imposes enormous 'long tail' liabilities tens of thousands of years into the future. But there is a simple explanation: it's all to maintain the UK's status as a nuclear WMD state.
The UK's civil nuclear programme is almost entirely motivated by the UK's wish to maintain its status as a nuclear WMD state.
- a generous guaranteed purchase price for its electricity, at £92.50 per megawatt-hour - about double the current going rate - also inflation adjusted from now, and lasting for 35 years after it begins to produce power;
- £10 billion of Treasury guarantees on its construction cost;
- a guaranteed maximum exposure to the operator, EDF, on its waste management and decomissioning costs;
- the limitation of EDF's liabilities in the event of any major nuclear accident at €700 million, when nuclear accidents can impose costs in the $100s of billions;
- a variety of pump priming exercises to lubricate the nuclear supply chain, and direct support to Sheffield Forgemasters, a manufacturer of nuclear reactor vessels;
- a panoply of expenditures for nuclear R&D by way of research councils.
And all this just for a single 2.4GW power station that would generate just 20TWh of our 350TWh per year electricity usage.

Sunday, August 10, 2014
- The nuclear technology masters have put in enormous money into the basic researches, plant engineering, creation of technology infrastructure etc. etc. and they will be guided by the urge to milk these investments at all costs, by all means, fair or foul. Their economy and status of economic superpower is far too dependent on the nuclear activity around this globe and the only way to sustain this is through sales gimmicks, decrying renewables and withholding basic facts about the need to go in solely for renewables.
- Nuclear power plants give the technology providers an all time stranglehold on buyers from mineral rich African and South American countries because of the necessity to get timely fuel and spares and the disposal of spent fuel. As if that were not enough, even after the useful life of the plant the stranglehold continues for requirements of decommissioning and dismantling. In fact decommissioning is extremely intricate and expensive.
- Surprisingly no new nuclear plants have come up on their soils during the last forty years or so and in fact they are trying to reduce the contributions of nuclear power, the so called panacea of all energy security requirements. Recently French President Francois Hollande unveiled $13.4 billion energy plans and spelt out plans to reduce its reliance on nuclear power from 75% to 50%. Though while selling nuclear power plants it is said that atomic power is the best, cheapest, safest and cleanest solution to energy security.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Dutch trains to be fully wind powered by 2018
NETHERLANDS: Dutch trains will be wholly powered by energy from wind projects from 2018 under a deal struck between the rail operators and renewable energy firm Eneco.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
The issue of where we will get our energy from in the coming decades is becoming ever more urgent. CO2 is accumulating in the atmosphere at alarming rates, and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently stated that the majority of known…
Originally published on ABB Conversations.By William Galton Microgrids offer advantages for reliability and bringing more renewables onto the grid. 1. What are the benefits of integrating renewable energy with microgrids? The obvious first benefit…
Sunday, April 13, 2014
‘Large-scale changes in energy systems’ are required, with coal power stations to be switched off and replaced by wind and solar.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Limitations due to the quality of uranium ore
From Grameen Bank to Grameen Shakti
Women the key to success
Grameen Shakti for renewable energies
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Nuclear Power: The Energy of Protest. The Future could be Renewable
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
The deniers and scoffers repeatedly utter the simplistic myth that renewable energy is intermittent and therefore cannot generate base-load (that is, 24-hour) power.Detailed computer simulations, backed up with actual experience with wind power overseas, show that the scoffers are wrong. Several countries, including Australia with its huge renewable energy resources, could make the necessary transition to an electricity generation system comprising 100 per cent renewable energy over a few decades.***Feasibility has been established by computer simulations of electricity generation systems by several research groups around the world, including my own …
Ben Elliston, Iain MacGill and I have performed thousands of computer simulations of 100% renewable electricity in the National Electricity Market(NEM), using actual hourly data on electricity demand, wind and solar power for 2010.Our latest research, available here and reported here, finds that generating systems comprising a mix of different commercially available renewable energy technologies, located on geographically dispersed sites, do not need base load power stations to achieve the same reliability as fossil-fuelled systems.The old myth was based on the incorrect assumption that base load demand can only be supplied by base load power stations; for example, coal in Australia and nuclear in France. However, the mix of renewable energy technologies in our computer model, which has no base load power stations, easily supplies base load demand.
Friday, January 31, 2014
- Hone your skills to fool the masses by talking big, idealistic and talking in terms of solutions that may take ages to fructify.
- Forget the country and its citizenry, think about yourself and yourself alone in all your deeds.
- Never forget the old adage " Money makes the mare go ". So concentrate fully on gathering money for self, your near and dear ones, your stooges and cronies.
- Natural resources and national wealth are meant to be plundered by mighty and powerful of the system. Let it happen unabashedly, for this plunder is the mainstay of party coffers and election funding which in turn are mainstay of your existence.
- To cover up your own misdeeds, allow everyone in the state machinery to have a share of loot through corruption, graft and bribe.
- And finally to ensure that the legal process never catches up with the offenders allow it remain painfully slow so that by the time law manages to take its course after a few decades, no evidence can remain fool proof or by that time the offender has bid good bye to this world after enjoying the fruits of his offence.
- And lastly, always look concerned and caring for the plight of the nation and its citizenry but manipulate showing helplessness because of your political adversaries.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
France struggles to cut down on nuclear power
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