Saturday, May 2, 2020


In 1947 when India got independence, Indian polity and bureaucracy were by and large an honest and God fearing community. There could be some biases, likings, putting in a good word for some favour but nothing was ever done in exchange of money. Bribery and corruption were almost a taboo in the society. Tax compliance was an honour. With the passage of years, bribery, corruption, tax evasion all became accepted norms in the society and those who stayed away from these activities were ridiculed for not being worldly wise and daring. 
How did it start? Why did it start? The shift from pre independence era poltician's mindset of a servant of people to the mindset of being the ruler/king hardly took two decades. Once this rot set in, the necessity of having faithful servants in all positions arose. The lust of power immediately brought in the lust for money, riches and a desire for all baser elements of life.  The desire for power coupled with the desire for riches pushed the Indian politicians to the real long established definition of poltics. "It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first". These are the words of Ronald Reagan, the Ex US President and he couldn't have been more apt and correct, particularly when you see present day breed of the Indian Politicians.
Nobody can taste the fruits of  power and riches all alone, whatever may be the mode of governance. Kings/Dictators had their own faithful and powerful men in key positions, left regimes manage through party cadres and in a multi party democracy the leader has to share the spoils with a much larger group and to have them faithfully glued  to your side must close the eyes of the system so that they prosper. That propels the lick my boot, scratch my back model in reality. The resulted in the birth of corruption empowered cabal which encompasses the length and breadth of all walks of life , which grew exponentially in the next four decades, the colour of ruling polity being of no consequence.During these years no leader, no  politician , no intelligentsia, no bureaucracy, no judiciary, no media/ journalist, in fact nobody of any consequence from amongst 'The Haves of Indian Society' took cognizance of this malaise. In fact they are all guilty of enjoying the fruits of the birth and rise of corruption empowered cabal and are solely responsible for delaying the INDIAN CHANCE TO BECOME AN ECONOMIC SUPERPOWER They failed the nation in sorting out the CHALLENGES BEFORE INDIA , THE POTENTIAL ECONOMIC SUPERPOWER OF THE 21st CENTURY . 
The opportunity windows are a once in lifetime phenomenon in the history of a nation and India is in the midst of this window. Western European countries, Japan and China became prosperous before getting old. Let us resolve that we will not let the present corruption empowered ecosystem thrust upon us by this cabal deny us the prosperity/ happiness that can be ours if we utilize this opportunity judiciously. Let us not forget that Statesmen think of next generation and create opportunities, Leaders Seize opportunities that come their way, while Politicians think of next elections and fritter away these opportunities and dirty politicians simply mess up everything and this is what separates wise men from men, men from boys and boys from impudent louts in the realm of changing fate of a nation.
We as a nation have our tasks and priorities well defined and well cut. Let us fight for the end of this cabal and not fritter away our date with destiny which is just a decade away.


 Who said that bastardly thought process was the sole proprietorship of biological bastards. It comes in naturally and automatically once yo...