Friday, May 8, 2020


After having taken care of all fakes and duplicates in the population nos., voter list, list of all kind of state and central beneficiaries, property, gold and other asset holders, tax payers and tax evaders, the nation should look towards a remedy to the following governance issues.
  • Discretion: Discretion is the biggest strength of governance if utilized with honesty and sincerity. But as the Indian system has been taken over by Corruption Empowered Cabal , ( the lick my boot/ scratch my back variety ) and where discretion is either used to extract money from all helpless and compelled citizenry or incur favours on one's cronies, stooges, relatives, masters and fellow travellers. It is time that Indian governance chooses to live without this word till such time we understand the real meaning of honesty, sincerity and character.
  • Reinforcement of Corruption Control Machinery of States: The Indian states combined together have control over a yearly budget which is at least 1.5 times the Central budget. But sadly the central government can talk of CBI and ED originally set up to investigate bribery and governmental corruption ( Its efficacy and intent has always been in question in our corruption mired society ). As far as the states are concerned, they are the hot beds of corruption and a safe and sound source of illegal earning for polity of all hues and colours and the saddest part is that they are never in the eye of the storm in this great nation of Honest Politicians, Super Honest Intelligentsia, Beyond Doubt Journalists and Media. Hope we soon have somebody to plug the backside of this golden egg laying hen.
  • Reinforcement of  Law Enforcing, Investigating Agencies and Judiciary: India Spends Only 0.08% Of GDP On Judiciary, Crippling ReformsAs of 2018, the judicial system was functioning with a lower than sanctioned number of judges, the report stated. While judicial vacancies against sanctioned posts stood at 23.25% at all tiers, the report pointed out that in 2016-17, high courts had a judge vacancy of 42% and subordinate courts of 23%.Police vacancies run at about 22% of sanctioned numbers, according to the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) report published in January 2017. The most acute vacancies were reported in Uttar Pradesh--at 53% for the constabulary and 63% for officers (2017). Similarly, nearly one-third of all prison posts remain unfilled across the country. Uttarakhand and Jharkhand had the most poorly staffed jails. Uttarakhand, for instance, recorded the highest vacancies among cadre staff, at 72% (2016). As of 2019, only 79% of the district legal service authorities had full-time secretaries to manage the delivery of legal-aid.             These poor numbers are not a sheer coincidence but are a direct result of birth and rise of the corruption empowered cabal . An increase of Rs 85,000 Crore out of a total combined budget of  67 lakh Crore ( Both Centre and States ) is not going to play havoc with the Indian economy but it will be a big asset in controlling corruption and black money, increasing the happiness quotient of general masses. Of course it will be like striking lightening on all members of corruption empowered cabal.
  • Human Resource Development: The role of human resource development : the next  gen growth engine has been talked about extensively during the last two decades. Respective governments have been boasting of the great work done in the field of education and human resource development. But what is the reality. Indian Reality is that we have a Rudderless Education system.                                                                                                                                                   Our education system produces about 3 million graduates ( B.A.'s ) , about 1 million technical graduates, 0.18 million MBA's, 0.27 million polytechnic diplomas and 0.75 million ITI's. Out of all these so called educated and qualified class about 80% are simply unemployable. Instead of contributing towards India's progress, they are just a drain on the system as a lot of government money is spent on these colleges and institutes. These people invariably find jobs in the government sector wherein utter discretion is used in the name of  'Interview' and a lot of money changes hands in the form of bribe.                                                                                                                                                In the Skilled manpower segment which is the essence of progress of productivity of a country the situation is all the more worse. Firstly the quality and standard of skilled labour and supervisors is simply not up to the mark. Secondly we have a very distorted pyramid structure when technical manpower is in question. Imagine for 1 million engineering graduate pass outs per annum, we produce only 0.27 million diploma holders and 0.75 million ITI's. On the top of it we have about 200 million unskilled workers who just have two hands as their competence. There is an urgent need to convert these hands into Semi Skilled ones or Blue Collar Manpower  which includes Plumbers, Masons, Carpenters, Electricians, Drivers and workers in leather, jewellery and textile industry to name only a few. It is only in India that in these categories we have only 2% of manpower with any formal vocational training. In Industrially advanced countries more than 90% workers have proper vocational training which helps increasing the productivity and quality of produce and earnings of the individual.                                                                        This is for white collar and blue collar manpower. The concept of pink collar manpower is yet to take off. This is a very specialised cadre and the about 30% of manpower has to be absorbed in nursing, secretarial practices, beauticians and all kinds of  service industry.          Needless to say that we as a nation have to create ways and means to wean people away from villages and agriculture,  to have more and more people in the tax net as also in the organised sector.
The need of the hour is to have somebody who could say with Charles de Gaulle, "In politics it is necessary either to betray one's country or the electorate. I prefer to betray the electorate". It is a pity that political masters of India betray both, the country as well as electorate just to be in power by all kind of foul means. How one wishes that Indian polity too has some statesmen in its ranks, for 
Statesmen think of next generation and create opportunities, Leaders Seize opportunities that come their way, while Politicians think of next elections and fritter away these opportunities and dirty politicians who are the core of Indian polity simply mess up everything and this is what separates wise men from men, men from boys and boys from impudent louts in the realm of changing fate of a nation.


 Who said that bastardly thought process was the sole proprietorship of biological bastards. It comes in naturally and automatically once yo...