Energy security is the burning topic of the 21st century with the developed, developing and even the backward countries of this globe and everybody is clamouring for clean renewable energy sources even those who do not have them on their own territory in ample amount. Germany is a perfect example of this, even though it is not blessed with a lavish quantum of these resources, it has decided to abandon all fuel based energy sources so much so even the much touted nuclear energy in a scheduled manner. In fact it is investing heavily in Desertec Solar Energy programme across Mediterranean in Sahara desert. Japan with little renewable energy potential and a very large dependence on nuclear power finds 52 out of 54 power reactors offline and even the Japanese PM has supported a gradual phase out of nuclear power in a few decades. Simultaneously Japan has undertaken ambitious plans to harness solar energy for futuristic energy security of its nation and our globe . UK and the northern countries of European continent are pinning their hopes on 'On shore and Off shore' wind energy potential in addition to hydroelectric potential for guaranteeing energy security to their respective countries for all times to come.
In the light of all this, India with a wonderful mix of hydro, wind and solar power potential should immediately aim at total reliance and super thrust on renewable energy which will transform India into a prosperous country and is an absolute must for becoming global leaders. It all depends on Indian polity and rulers and they have to decide with their actions as to where do they stand. The whole country expects the polity to rise to the occasion at least once at this most critical juncture by not investing in near obsolescence nuclear power choice and not deny the country its legitimate opportunity to become a world leader in the coming few decades.Let wisdom and national interest prevail on our politicians and nuclear technocrat lobby so that we do not fall prey to US and French interests and in the bargain lose our chance of leading the world in the transition to renewable energy solutions. Let us make best use of our being backward in per capita energy consumption, for US, Europe and China combined together will not add or replace 8,00,000 mw which India is planning to add during the next decade or so.We have the opportunity of fine tuning wind and solar energy technologies and cut down their costs through development of large scale manufacturing facilities without having to bother about our earlier investments in any energy field becoming redundant and superfluous. ( excerpts from )
India's requirements and equitable distribution of wind, hydro and solar potential over large parts of the country require thinking outside the box on the part of technocrats and engineers to have a right kind of mix of micro, mini and Ultra Ultra Mega power plants based on renewable energy sources. Gone are the days when big was considered to be more economical in all industry and power industry was no different particularly when the available options were restricted to hydro and fuel based power generation. To day when wind and solar energy has given a wonderful option of on site generation of power in small, medium and large quantities without affecting the cost of operation. The small to medium size power producing units with tremendous Force Multiplier Potential accruing because of redundancy of transmission costs and transmission losses as also the fuel transportation and transportation infrastructure costs .Add to this the cost of environmental damage ( green house effect ) and loss of carbon credits by fossil fuel based power industry and civil liability costs, plant dismantling cost and storage/dispensation of fuel waste costs of nuclear power industry and the capital cost reductions likely to be achieved by 100 times scaling up of solar and wind power equipment production lines, the solar and wind power options will become economically competitive to present day energy options.